Case Study: Voice Marketing Drives 20%+ Engagement for a New Product Category
We’re introducing a new case study that we just did for a growing startup called Cherry Labs promoting their new product ‘Cherry Home’.
Cherry Home is a new service applying AI to in-home senior care. The company behind it, Cherry Labs is the developer of the platform that detects human behavior changes using AI to look after elderly people at home. By applying its AI to detect changes in gait or behavior, falls, or stumbles, in time Cherry Home starts to predict changes in long-term health, enabling seniors to live their golden years in a more fulfilling way for themselves and the whole family.
Cherry Labs were among the first to try our new product — continuous dialogue advertising, which connects multiple ads into a single story line. This approach significantly improves marketing ROI by allowing brands to gain marketing insights from response history and continuing the conversation differently with consumers who were initially interested and those who declined the initial offer.
The campaign delivered over-the-top performance reaching 21% voice engagement rate and $11.7 cost per phone call.
Instreamatic had the opportunity to run a Voice Dialogue Ad campaign for Cherry Home, for which their target customers are the family members with senior parents, who benefit from the peace-of-mind and time-saving that Cherry Home provides them, who would be the primary purchase decision-maker.
Voice Marketing is an innovative, highly-engaging advertising format driving an order-of-magnitude improvement in engagement versus typical mobile ads. It provides an exciting new marketing opportunity for new and innovative end-user products to reach out to early adopters in a meaningful yet mass market channel approach.
Here’s a sample of the ad creative that ran with the campaign:
First Dialogue
Introduction teaser
Hello, this is Cherry Home, and this is an ad you can speak with, just wait for the tone to respond. Sometimes parents and loved ones need care when we’re not around, and hiring a caregiver just costs too much. Cherry Home helps you care, from anywhere. Let me know if you want to learn more.
Response if interested
Cherry Home wall-mounted devices recognize behavior and activity and can tell you if something doesn’t seem right. You will receive daily activity summaries letting you when your loved one got out of bed, whether they had visitors or left the house, and even if they ate their meals. Nighttime summaries will inform you how many times they woke up, and if they left the bedroom. Cherry Home spots emergencies such as people wandering off at night or falls in real-time. We will send alerts 24/7 and would even call 911 if the person needs help. I’m opening for more information. Please give us a call to receive a free consultation
Response if not interested
Thanks for letting us know our caregiving solution isn’t relevant to you and yours right now. If you have friends that are caring for family members, we invite you to tell them about Cherry Home. Our solution enables seniors to live independently at home while giving peace of mind to their families. Visit for more information.
Response to Strong No
Sometimes people use profanity when they talk to ads. We, at Instreamatic, allow brands to respond appropriately to such engagement.
I understand that ads can make us all crazy. We just want to let you know how to care for your loved ones and not pay tens of thousands of dollars in medical bills.
Response if silence
Seems like there’s no one there. I’ll try again later.
Second Dialogue with users who were interested
Introduction teaser
Hello. This is Cherry Home, a senior monitoring system that helps you care for your loved ones when you’re not around. Did you know that if an ambulance arrives within 5 minutes after a person experienced a critical condition there’s an 86% chance that everything will be fine? But how do you know if there’s an emergency at home when you’re not around? Say Yes if you want to know how?
Response if interested
Great. Cherry Home wall-mounted devices monitor movement in the home and interpret behavior of your loved ones to provide insights so you will never miss an emergency and stay aware of potential risks. Cherry Home spots emergencies such as people wandering off at night or falls in real-time. We will send alerts 24/7 and would even call 911 if the person needs help.
Cherry Home makes caregiving easier by checking on your loved ones anytime, from anywhere. Give us a call to receive a free consultation. We just initiated a phone call. Tap on the screen to confirm.
Response if not interested
Thank you for your time. The Cherry Home team wishes all the best to you and your loved ones!
Second Dialogue with users who were not interested
Introduction Teaser
Hello there. It’s Cherry Home following up. We just wanted to let you know that our senior home care monitoring service may save your life when you’re alone. We all hear those stories of how a heart attack can take people’s lives at a young age. If something happens to you, Cherry Home will immediately send a notification to your family members and even call 911. Do you want to learn more?
Response if interested
Great. Cherry Home wall-mounted devices recognize behavior and activity and can tell if something doesn’t seem right. Now your designated family member can keep informed of potential risks and will never miss an emergency, while being un-intrusive and respecting your privacy. In case of an emergency, Cherry will send alerts 24/7 and would even call 911 if you need help. First month is free.
Response if not interested
Good to know. Thank you for your time. We won’t bother you again.
Campaign Results
21% — Voice Engagement Rate
5.2% — Changed their mind from not interested to interested after a new message
$11.70 — Cost per phone call
The Voice Era is here and Instreamatic is here to help innovative technology startups like Cherry Home in getting a leg-up by providing an end-to-end Voice Marketing campaign solution — let us show you how you can get the biggest bang for your marketing buck by joining the Voice Era today!